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Ministry of Education,
Research and Innovation










Invitation to Exhibitors

Organisations are invited to participate as sponsors and exhibitors during the JAPMED'6.

The exhibition area will be located near the session rooms and delegates will have ample opportunity to view all of the exhibits.

The objective is to give the worldwide attendance of the Workshop the opportunity to become acquainted with the latest innovations offered by state-of-the-art products available on the market.

To obtain information on becoming a Partner, Exhibitor or Sponsor, please contact the Workshop Secretariat:


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FIL INTERCOM FIL INTERCOM - Produse - Curele transmisie, Filtre, Pompe de vid, Lubrifianti ... FIL INTERCOM - Products - Transmission Belts, Filters, Vacuum Pumps, Lubricants ... CURELE de TRANSMISIE Trapezoidale Late Sincrone Speciale Dintate Benzi transportoare - FIL INTERCOM FILTRE compresoare aer pompe vid ventilatie ANDREAE desprefuire motoare - FIL INTERCOM PALETI din GRAFIT Palete din grafit - FIL INTERCOM PIESE COMPRESOARE Filtre Piese de schimb Lubrifianti Uleiuri - FIL INTERCOM POMPE VID Pompe de vacuum Filtre Separatoare aer ulei Piese schimb - FIL INTERCOM