The 6th JAPMED workshop will be held in Bucharest, Romania, July 27th-29th 2009.
The aim of the workshop is to create a link for the participants to share knowledge and experience and for the cross-fertilization of new ideas and developments in applied electromagnetic, design, analysis, new material utilization, and optimization techniques focusing on applications related to superconducting flywheels. Topics related to practical applications, operations, maintenance are also highly encouraged.
Prospective authors are invited to submit (as attached files in PDF format posted using on-line registration (located in Members Area) on this site or via e-mail to japmed6@elth.pub.ro) previously unpublished papers relevant to the workshop topics.
Papers will be reviewed upon two page extended abstracts, to be included in the Workshop Proceedings.
Authors of accepted extended abstracts will be encouraged to submit a full version (up to 6 pages) of the papers at the Workshop, that will be reviewed for inclusion in a special volume of the Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - JOAM (indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (Scisearch) and ISI Alerting Services and Materials Science Citation Index). For instructions on preparation of extended abstracts and final version please consult the Submissions link on this site.
English will be the official language of the Workshop and will be used for both extended abstracts and presentations.