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Ministry of Education,
Research and Innovation










Registration Regulation

Registration is done on-line via the workshop website using Online Registration located in Members Area Section.

Only the contributions whose author paid the registration fee and presented the paper will be considered, after a second peer-reviewing process, for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - JOAM (indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (Scisearch) and ISI Alerting Services and Materials Science Citation Index).

Registration Fees

The registration fee is:

250 €
for participants registered before June 15,
300 €
for participants registered after June 15,
200 €
for students*,
150 €
for accompanying spouses.

*Students must provide evidence, properly signed and sealed of their affiliation

The registration fee for participants includes: Workshop Attendance, Conference Proceedings, Certificate of Attendance, Coffee breaks, Welcome Reception and Traditional Conference Dinner, City tour, a last day trip to Prahova Valley, Peles Castle and Bran (DRACULA) Castle.

Method of Payment

You have the following payment options:


A credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD, VISA ELECTRON, MAESTRO) electronic payment on-line form is available for all kind of fees after Registration in MEMBERS AREA->ePayments.


Bank transfers should be wired to the account below. Please do not forget to note "JAPMED'6" in the payment reference field and make sure that the transfer request shows the name of the participant.

Bank Account:
Emporiki Bank Romania, Sucursala Piata Alba Iulia, Bucuresti, Piata Alba Iulia nr. 7, Bucuresti, Tel : (+4021) 30 57 103
Fiscal Code: 18450210
IBAN for Euro (EUR): RO92 BSEA 0509 0000 A000 0550

Reference field: JAPMED'6 - Name of Participant.

Please send your registration information (First Name, Last Name, Affiliation, Address, Tel/E-mail, Titleof the Paper) together with the bank transfer receipt by Fax to 004 021 402 9144.


If you wish to pay by credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD, VISA ELECTRON, MAESTRO) please download the Credit Card Payment Form and forward the filled in form by Fax to the following number: 004 021 402 9144.


The amount of fee will be paid in cash, only in RON currency*, at Workshop Registration Desk.

*For RON currency, please reffer to the official exchange rate.

Dambovita RiverParliament House
Peles CastleBran Castle


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