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Ministry of Education,
Research and Innovation











The scope of the workshop includes: Advances in Analysis, Manufacturing and Measurements of Advanced Materials (Magnetic, Superconducting and Nanostructured Materials).

The topics are related to new developments in the following:

•  Computational Electromagnetics

•  Magnetic material characterization

•  Nanotechnology

•  Magnetohydrodynamics

•  Biomedical engineering

•  Losses analysis

•  Magnetic Material Processing

•  Design

•  Applications in Energy and Environmental Aspects

•  Devices (Magnetic circuits,  Transformers, Electrical Machines, micro-machines)

•  Superconducting Flywheels

•  Perspectives of High -Tc superconductors

•  Modelling of superconductive properties

•  Characterization techniques

•  Processing of bulk superconductors

•  Processing of thin and thick film superconductors

•  Special measurement techniques

•  Applications in electricity/electronics and transportation (Levitation, electrical/ magnetic machines, HTS/metal junctions, shielding, SQUIDS)

FIL INTERCOM FIL INTERCOM - Produse - Curele transmisie, Filtre, Pompe de vid, Lubrifianti ... FIL INTERCOM - Products - Transmission Belts, Filters, Vacuum Pumps, Lubricants ... CURELE de TRANSMISIE Trapezoidale Late Sincrone Speciale Dintate Benzi transportoare - FIL INTERCOM FILTRE compresoare aer pompe vid ventilatie ANDREAE desprefuire motoare - FIL INTERCOM PALETI din GRAFIT Palete din grafit - FIL INTERCOM PIESE COMPRESOARE Filtre Piese de schimb Lubrifianti Uleiuri - FIL INTERCOM POMPE VID Pompe de vacuum Filtre Separatoare aer ulei Piese schimb - FIL INTERCOM