No-show papers will not be considered for publication.
Guidelines for Oral Presentations
Oral presentations are allocated 10 minutes for the talk and an additional 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Session timings will be listed in the technical program. Session chairs will strictly enforce these time limits. A useful estimate is to allot approximately one minute for each transparency or slide prepared for the talk.
All oral presentations should be prepared in Microsoft Powerpoint format.
The day of their oral presentation, all speakers should "check in" with the session chairman at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the session in order to inform him/her of the name of the author (or co-author) who will present the talk. After this check, the presentation can be uploaded (from CD-rom or a USB Memory stick) into the Workshop media system. Talks will be called at the time scheduled in the technical program. Session chairs have the responsibility of reporting "no-shows" to the Technical Program Committee.
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
Prepare your poster in format A0 portrait (841mm (width) × 1189mm (height)) maximum. Your paper title and author names, affiliations should be displayed prominently across the top of your poster. Push pins or stickers will be provided by the conference organisation.Poster boards will be available for the presentation of poster papers. Before the session begins, the conference organizer will place the paper number on the top left of the board.
Please arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of the scheduled poster session to arrange your poster and check that all necessary supplies are present. One or more of the authors including a prime presenter should be present at the poster for most of session and be capable of explaining it. Session chairs have the responsibility of determining whether papers have actually been presented. Failure to attend or adequately explain your poster will result in your poster being deemed a "no show".