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Ministry of Education,
Research and Innovation











The 6th JAPMED venue is located in Politehnica University of Bucharest(PUB), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, EA building,
near Iuliu Maniu Street PUB campus entrance

UPB Campus Map

PUB Campus 

Click here to see the JAPMED'6 Workshop Location
on Bucharest Online Map.

By this link, you can also
GET MAP AND DIRECTIONS to the JAPMED'6 Workshop Location

Entrance to the JAPMED'6 venue



Location on Bucharest Map

click for zoom on the map


1. How can I arrive from Bucharest "Henry Coanda" International Airport (OTP) Arrival Terminal to the University Square (city center)?  
Take Route 783. 
Departures: first vehicle at 5:30 am, last vehicle at 11:10 pm
Frequency info: terminal 1terminal 2  
Remark: close to University Square are the following hotels
Hotel Intercontinental, Hotel Radisson SAS, Hilton Athenee Palace, Hotel Capsa, Hotel Ramada Majestic, Hotel Central, Hotel Venetia, Hotel Opera, Hotel Capitol 
For exact location of the hotel, please see:
General transportation map: follow the link 

2. How can I arrive from University Square to University Politehnica of Bucharest? 
By bus no. 336 from “Universitate” station to “UPB" station.
By subway (metro): "Politehnica" station, trunk III (you have to follow "Preciziei" (Recently known as "Industriilor" and renamed) direction)

Workshop Location

The 6th JAPMED will be hosted by the "POLITEHNICA" University of Bucharest, Romania.


"POLITEHNICA" University of Bucharest ( is the most important technical university in Romania. Its traditions are connected to the founding of the first higher technical school in 1818. It is also the successor of the Polytechnic School of Bucharest established in 1920, according to the royal edict of King Ferdinand, by transforming the former National School of Bridges and Roads.
UPB Main Administrative Building
UPB Inside View
The main campus (313, Spl. Independentei, 060042-Bucharest) is located in the western part of Bucharest, on a hill, in a large green aria, between Splaiul Independenţei (along the Dâmboviţa river) and the boulevard Iuliu Maniu. It can be easily reached, by bus (601, 126, 136 and 336), trolleybus (61 and 62) or by subway.
BUCHAREST (, the capital city of Romania, is a 550 years old city where the old and the new merge in surprising ways. It lies in the south-east of the country, in the plain (50-90 m altitude), along the rivers Dambovita and Colentina. It is aligned approximately with the cities of Portland Oregon, Montreal Canada, Venice Italy and Bordeaux France.
Bucharest Centre
Romania on World Map Central Europe and Romania
Romania Map

ROMANIA (, member of the European Community, is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe and shares borders with Hungary to the northwest, Serebia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south, the Black Sea and Ukraine to the southeast and to the north and the Republic of Moldova to the east. Roughly the size of Oregon, Romania is the second largest country in the area, after Poland.

Geographical location of Romania: between latitudes 43°37'07" and 48°15'06" North and longitudes 20°15'44" and 29°41'24" East.

Romania extends approximately 485 km (300 miles) North to South and 650km (400 miles) East to West.


The Romanian Local Organizing Committee invites you at the 6th JAPMED and hopes that all the participants will find the workshop both interesting and useful. 


View EA Building on a larger map
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